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heavy-duty truck中文是什么意思

用"heavy-duty truck"造句"heavy-duty truck"怎么读"heavy-duty truck" in a sentence


  • (运货车)重型卡车
  • 重型运货车
  • 重型载货汽车
  • 重型载重汽车


  • The heavy - duty trucks were rutting the road
  • Mining heavy - duty truck operation risk and safety management strategies
  • Effect of gap between driver cab and freight body of heavy - duty truck on its aerodynamic characteristic
  • Heavy - duty trucks with payload above 15 tons and engine power above 300 hp are part of china ' s " tenth five - year plan
  • The continued steady fast increase of chinese economy will be chinese automobile profession especially in the most favourable guarantee of heavy - duty truck profession fast development
  • With the world ' s second - longest highway system , behind only the united states , china ' s heavy - duty trucking industry has seen rapid development since 1999
  • Implementing product extension strategy and based on matured technology of steyr heavy - duty trucks , steyr - feilong series trucks have become real medium - class heavy - duty truck and heavy - duty truck platform
  • It mainly includes heavy - duty trucks and spare parts . mine machinery . heavy machinery , railway and light rail machingry , textile machingry , basic machinery , coal chgmical industry and environmental equipment , precision castings and forging parls , aluminum and magnesium alloys , aluminum deep processing and so on
  • We produce five main series of forgings . front - axle for medium and heavy - duty truck , balance - axle , serial turning - joint , crankshaft , serial connecting rod , strikoff - board for comprehensive coal tunneling machine , serial chain - wheel , forged valves for export , serial forged parts for armored vehicles
  • The market general layout of heavy - duty truck market high concentration the other fields that make this market be different from chinese automobile profession : in the market of high concentration , it is relatively weak somewhat to compete intense level between enterprise , in which , it is little that enterprise carry out the pressure of price war to want , so in entire between heavy - duty truck production enterprise , there is the soil of well competition
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"heavy-duty truck"造句  
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